Name of the programme is “Integrated Programme in Management” and is afive ‐year
regular and fulltime academic (residential) programme.of each industry.
Upon successful completion of all program requirements participants will be issued the
certificate of “Integrated Diploma in Management”by IIM Indore.of each industry.
Please refer to the Institute website at for more information.of each industry.
The candidate must have passed HigherSecondary/ XII Std/ +2 Level/ equivalent
examination (henceforth referred to as +2) from any of the recognized central or state
boards. Candidates satisfying the following minimum conditions are eligible to apply for
the Integrated Programme inManagement of IIM Indore.
Minimum Eligibility Conditions
General and NC‐OBC Category
• 60% Aggregate marks in +2 OR SAT1 overall score of 1600 out of 2400 (SAT – 1
score obtained during January 1, 2011 to last date for submission of application
form only is valid)
• Age limit: Not more than 20 years as on June 30, 2012
SC, ST and PWD/DA Category
• 55% Aggregate marks in +2 OR SAT 1 overall score of 1475 out of 2400 (SAT – 1
score obtained during January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 only is valid)
• Age limit: Not more than 22 years as on June 30, 2012
The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in +2 would be calculated based on
the practice followed by theboard from where the candidate has obtained the
certificate. In case the candidates are awarded grades instead of marks, the conversion
of grades to percentage ofmarks would be based on the procedure certified by the
board from where theyhave obtained the certificate.
Candidates appearing for +2 examination, likely to complete by July 31, 2012, and those
who have completed finalexamination requirements and are awaiting results can also
apply. However, such candidates should have a minimum of 60% aggregate marks or
equivalent gradesin case of general and NC‐OBC category and 55% in case of SC, STand
PWD/DA category. Such candidates are required to submit the final resultbefore
December 31, 2012.
Government of India reservation norms will be followed while admitting the candidates
for the programme and intake will be limited to 121 candidates. Note that IIM Indore
reserves the right to decide the eligibility conditions in terms ofequivalence, percentage
marks, and the recognition of the qualifying examination, intake etc.
5. Is it necessary to submit +2 examination pass certificate/grade sheetfrom a
recognized board?
Yes, it is required that candidates submit attested copies of all the certificates
(marksheets/gradesheets, passing certificates etc) of +2 examinations. If such
documents are not available because candidates are either appearing for +2
examination or have appeared and not year received their results, then such candidates
have to submit attested copies of marksheets/gradesheets for the pre‐final year.
Yes, it is required that candidates submit attested copies of all the certificates
(marksheets/gradesheets, passing certificates etc) of +2 examinations. If such
documents are not available because candidates are either appearing for +2
examination or have appeared and not year received their results, then such candidates
have to submit attested copies of marksheets/gradesheets for the pre‐final year.
Eligible candidates should submit their application in prescribed format (given so as to reach IIM Indore Admissions Office on or before July 20,
2012 along with non‐refundable application fee of Rs. 1000 (Rupees One Thousand only)
(Rs. 500 for SC and ST category) with attested copies of all the relevant certificates.
Candidates belonging to NC‐OBC, SC, ST and PWD/DA categories need to submit valid
and attested certificates in support of their reservation category.
Eligible candidates should submit their application in prescribed format (given so as to reach IIM Indore AdmisThe candidates will be selected on the basis of overall performance in Aptitude Test,
and Personal Interview.
The selection process is as follows (note that all dates and timelines are tentative and
may be changed as required):
Step 1: The candidates satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria should submit their
application in the prescribed format along with attested copies of all relevant
documents and non‐refundable application fee of Rs.1000 (Rs 500 in case of SC and ST
category) through Demand Draft in favor of Indian Institute of Management Indore
Payable at Indore, so as to reach IIM Indore Admissions Office on or before July 20,
2012.The application form is available at Office on or before July 20,
2012 along with non‐refundable application fee of Rs. 1000 (Rupees One Thousand only)
(Rs. 500 for SC and ST category) with attested copies of all the relevant certificates.
Candidates belonging to NC‐OBC, SC, ST and PWD/DA categories need to submit valid
and attested certificates in support of their reservation category.
Yes, attendance of classes is compulsory.
Faculty will be from IIM Indore, from industry, eminent academicians, scholars of
repute, Government Officers and, socially reputed leaders.
Tuition fee is Rs. 3 lakh per annum for first three years and Rs. 5 lakh per annum for the
last two years. The tuition fee is payable in term wise. The tuition fee includes access to
the library and computer lab. Hostel fees,laundry fees, and food expenseswill be
repute, Government Officers and, socially reputed leaders.
The proposed intake is limited to 121 candidates and government of India reservation
norms will be followed for admission.
Most study material will be available at no additional charge in the library. However,
students will have to purchase textbooks on their own.
All students are required to stay on campus since this is a full time residential
programme. Twin sharing hostel facilities will be provided on payment basis for the first
three years, thereafter single accommodation will be provided on payment basis for the
final two years. The estimated expenses would be around Rs.2500 per month for the
room rent for first three years and Rs.4200 per month for food.
IIM Indore has a large number of computer terminals in the computer labs as well as all
statistical and other software necessary for the program. All hostel rooms are provided
with 1 ethernet port for internet access. However, students will not be provided with
their own laptops / desktops.
IIM Indore has a large number of computer terminals in the computer labs as well as all
statistical and other software necessary for the program. All hostel rooms are provided
with 1 ethernet port for internet access. However, students will not be provided with
their own laptops / desktops.
IIM Indore would provide active support and guidance to students of IPM to
findappropriate and challenging job opportunities at the end of the programme
andinternships during the programme.
Admissions Office
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Rau‐Pithampur Road
Indore 453331 (M.P.)
Telefax: 0731 2439 686, 0731 2439 800
Started by IIM, IIT, ISB and MICA alums, Infinite Impact provide personalized mentorship and career counselling to students while helping them develop the tools to succeed in their careers and getting admission into their dream
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